Training of Trainers (ToT) for Women Human Rights Defenders on Disability Inclusion, Feminism, Law and Human Rights

Published on: June 3, 2024 
Reading Time: 2 minutes
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29 May to 2 June, 2024

Rupandehi, Butwal

Access Planet Organization, in support of USAID / The Asia Foundation, Civil Society and the Media conducted a 5-day training of trainers to women human rights defenders from marginalized and underrepresented communities of Lumbini Province. In the training, 21 participants, including 17 women human rights defenders with disabilities, 1 Dalit rights activist, 1 trans rights activist, and 2 lawyers participated. The training aimed to enhance the knowledge of women human rights defenders on disability inclusive development, gender and feminism, and national and international laws on women and disability rights. The training also aimed to strengthen the network of women with disabilities in Lumbini Province. The training was facilitated by Ms. Sanjita Timsina as the lead trainer and Ms. Laxmi Nepal as the co-trainer. Local government and other representatives also facilitated the sessions.


  • To enhance capacity of women human rights defenders with and without disabilities at Lumbini Province on feminism, laws and advocacy skills;
  • To create background for the formation of network of women with disabilities in the Lumbini Province.

Modules and Sessions conducted during the training:

Module1: Gender, Feminism and Intersectionality


  1. My Life, My Realities, Gender, and Gender Role
  2. Demystifying Feminism, History of Feminism in Nepal
  3. Intersectional Feminist Practices
  4. Story telling

Module 2: Human Rights and International Laws


  1. The Fundamentals of Human Rights and Human Rights Mechanisms
  2. Core human rights issues of women with disability in context of Nepal
  3. Models of Disability Rights
  4. CEDAW and its localization in Nepal
  5. Linkage between CRPD and SDGs in terms of rights of women with disabilities

Module 3: Laws related to women and persons with disabilities in Nepal


  1. Laws and Policies related to women and persons with disabilities in Nepal
  2. Local Mechanism on Ending Violence Against Women with Disabilities
  3. Act Relating to Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Nepal

Module 4: Feminist critical perspective on law: Advocacy skills and Strategies (with engagements and examples)


  1. Feminist Analysis and Engagement with the Law
  2. Essential Skills for Effective Advocacy
  3. Communication for effective advocacy
  4. Developing Advocacy and Networking Plan


  • The training provided deeper knowledge about gender, feminism, intersectionality, human rights, international laws, laws related to women and persons with disabilities in Nepal, and knowledge and skills in advocacy.
  • Participants increased their knowledge in different thematic areas. One participant increased knowledge from 15% to 65%, 4 participants increased knowledge from 30-40% to 80%, 7 participants increased knowledge from 10-50% to 85-90%, 5 participants increased knowledge from 45-50% to 95%, and 2 participants increased knowledge from 35-75% to 100%.
  • The different resource persons from the government sector and civil society organizations were invited to facilitate the thematic sessions, which provided an opportunity for participants to build their coordination, which will be beneficial in the future for advocacy efforts.
  • The training has set the background for the formation of network of women with disabilities in the Lumbini Province.

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