Tag: employment promotion

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Enhancing Economic Rights of youths with visual impairments

Access planet organization in collaboration with Nepalese young entrepreneurs forum and in the funding support of Japan Foundation and Japanese Society for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (JSRPD) has successfully conducted advocacy interaction program entitled “Enhancing Economic Rights of youths with visual impairments (From Charity to Investment)” on 30 July 2021.
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Enhancing Economic Rights of youths with visual impairments

Career Counselling Session for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities

Access Planet organization with support of TEWA Nepal has successfully completed 3 days career counseling training for girls and young women with disabilities from 13th July to 15th July 2021.
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Career Counselling Session for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities

Advocacy Meeting with Found for Promoting Techno-based Employment Opportunities for Young Women with Disabilities

Access Planet Organization conducted an advocacy meeting with FOUND Project under The Leprosy Mission to increase collaboration to increase the techno-based employment opportunities for young women with disabilities.
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Advocacy Meeting with Found for Promoting Techno-based Employment Opportunities for Young Women with Disabilities
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