Computer Training in Jhuwani Secondary School, Chitwan.

Computer Training in Jhuwani Secondary School, Chitwan.
Access Planet organization feels highly delighted to conduct 4 months’ computer class for blind and visually impaired students studying at Jhuwani Secondary School, Chitwan, Bagmati Province. The computer class is being conducted from November 2021 and expected to end at March, 2022. The training being facilitated by Ms. Mina Thebe, aims at providing knowledge to the students and resource teachers on the topics such as: MSWord, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Email and Internet which are key in advancing the education of these children. With the training being conducted for resource teachers and visually impaired students of the school, we believe that the training will strongly contribute in improving the quality of education that blind and visually impaired children are receiving. We are very grateful to Partner Global Fund for Women, and School Administration for their support.
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