Delegation Visit to CTEVT Sanothimi for Inclusion of Women with disabilities in Training and Capacity building programs

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.
4th December, 2022
Access Planet conducted advocacy with the representatives of Training Development Department of Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) of Sanothimi, Bhaktapur with the objectives to advocate about the need of inclusion of Women with disabilities in Training and Capacity building programs organized by CTEVT and to take the commitments from the respective authorities for the inclusive opportunities for young women with disabilities in acquiring skill based training provided by CTEVT.
The meeting attendees included Mr Misterkant Mainali, Director and Mr. Prakash Koirala, Deputy Director of Training Development Department as well as the representatives of Access Planet including Executive Director, Laxmi Nepal, Advocacy Committee Member of Kathmandu, Kusum Ghimire and Program Associate, Jenisha Maharjan.
In this delegation visit, respective authorities and the other meeting attendees had series of discussion regarding problems and issues faced by women with disabilities to enhance capacity building and skill based training organized by CTEVT. The meeting attendees expressed their commitments to keep in mind about the inclusiveness of women with disabilities while making the policy and while delivering the information during publishment of news for the capacity building training. Similarly, CTEVT authorities also gave some of the suggestions to reach out respective training divisions at the district level for inclusion of these women in capacity building activities.
- The respective authorities of Training Development Department were more sensitized about the situation of the women with disabilities and the problems faced by them to enhance skill based trainings for their livelihood sustainability.
- The authorities of Training Development Department committed to address the problems faced by the women with disabilities from the policy level and conducting further necessary actions.
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