Leadership And Advocacy Training for Young Women with Disabilities (Lumbini Province)

Leadership And Advocacy Training for Young Women with Disabilities (Lumbini Province)
11th -13th September, 2022
Dang, Lumbini Province
Access Planet Organization organized three days “Leadership and advocacy training for the young women with disabilities from Banke, Bardiya, Rupandehi and Dang districts of Lumbini Province. This training aimed to empower the young women with disabilities with the leadership and advocacy skills along with the motive to sensitize about their rights that will inbuilt their confidence providing resilience to fight for the rights and justice of women with disabilities which will also strengthen the movement of young women with disabilities that was effected by COVID -19. The training was conducted in funding support of Kaagapay under Women’s Fund Asia (WFA).
In this 3 days Leadership and advocacy training for the young women with disabilities, following topics were covered:
- Team Building and Group Formation, Leadership, Diversity and Leadership Values
- Sex, Gender and Gender Roles
- Public Speaking and Handling Formal programs (Theory and Practical)
- Act on Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Relation to Rights of Women
- Local Mechanism on Violence Against Women
- Advocacy Skills (Theory and Practical)
- SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) , UNCRPD (United Nations Convention for the Rights of Person with Disabilities) and Women with Disabilities
- Issue Identification and Formation of Manifesto
Outcomes of the training:-
- 14 participants representing Lumbini Province were sensitized about the acts on the disabilities, local mechanism on violence against women, and SDG’s in relation to the women with disabilities.
- The participants were able to boost their skills and knowledge on leadership, advocacy, public speaking and handling formal programs.
- The participants were capable to identify the issue related to women with disabilities that they saw in their localities and they also prepared the draft of the action plan of the first activity to be conducted in their community
- Access Planet Lumbini Committee has been formed which will support in further strengthening the grassroots movement of women with disabilities.
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