Review and Follow-up Workshop with Training of Trainers Participants on Local Organizing; Karnali Province

Review and Follow-up Workshop with Training of Trainers Participants on Local Organizing ; Karnali Province
Date : 11th May 2022
Place : zoom , virtual medium
Introduction :
Access Planet Organization in support of Frida successfully completed Review and Follow-up Workshop on local organizing on 11th of May, 2022 virtually in the presence of board members, staff and participants of Training of Trainers on Leadership and Legal Literacy.
On 21-23 March, 2022, Access Planet Organization conducted Training of Trainers on Leadership and Legal Literacy to Young women with Disabilities from Surkhet and Dailekh districts of Karnali Province. After the successful completion of their course, 10 Training of Traiers participants successfully organized one day leadership training to women in the communities of each districts: Surkhet and Dailekh on 19th and 21st May, 2022. Thus, This review and follow up workshop was conducted for evaluation and sharing of the lesson learnt on the training conducted by Training of Trainers participants. The program mainly focused on the discussion with the participants regarding their experiences, challenges, learning and way forward. Through this workshop, access planet organization aimed to support and build up capacity of women with disabilities of grassroots level and strengthen movement of young women with disabilities of Surkhet and Dailekh districts of Karnali Province.
In the review and follow up workshop, Training of Trainers participants discussed on following issues being based on lesson learnt on the conduction of training :
- Experience as trainer and organizer
- Challenges and their solution
- Key learnings
- Further action plans
Outcome of the Program :
- The challenges, solutions, lesson learnt and way forward were discussed with the participants.
- New ideas and topics were discussed for conducting similar capacity building programs which will strengthen the movement in grassroots level.
- Follow up action plans like conduction of interaction program and capacity building program in the local level were made.