Two Days Leadership Training for Young Women with Disabilities

Access Planet Organization organized Two Days Leadership Training in Bhaktapur for eighteen Young Women with Disabilities of 18-30 years of age on May 9th-10, 2019. The training was organized in the hall of CBR, Byansi, Bhaktapur in the funding support of Tewa Organization, Dhapakhel. 18 young women with disabilities participated in the training. 1st Session: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights being Focused to WWDs; Trainer: Medha Sharma, President, Visible Impact. Session2: National and International Human Rights Instruments including UNCRPD, ARPD and SDGs; Trainer: Neera Adhikari, Section Officer, Lalitpur Metropolitan city. 3rd Session: Leadership, Diversity and Leadership Values; Trainer: Laxmi Nepal, Access Planet Founder. 4th Session: Public Speaking and Meeting Procedure; Trainer: Krishneshori Hada. The Two Days Leadership Training for Young Women with Disabilities was successful to provide them leadership skills and aware them about their rights.
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