Organizational Development Training to Board Members
Published on: March 8, 2021
Reading Time: 1 minute

Access Planet Organization conducted Organizational development training for its board members on 6th- and 7th March 2021 to enhance board members' skills and knowledge on various aspects of the organization. The training was conducted in Tesla Café, Kausaltar Bhaktapur, for 9 participants in the board membership and executive position of Access Planet.
- To enhance the skills of Access Planet board members on organizational development
- To develop the capacity to conduct a formal meeting, minute writing, letter writing, event report writing, etc.
- To maximize the ability for public speaking and standard program handling
The topics that were covered in training included:
- Orientation on Organization and its Importance
- Meeting Procedure and Minute Writing
- Public Speaking and Handling Formal Program
- Event Report Writing Procedure
- Orientation on Writing Concept Notes
This training helped enhance the knowledge and skills of board members on various aspects of the organization, organizational development and enhanced their advocacy skills, which are crucial for bettering the movement and strengthening organizational activities.
The program was organized with the support of the Tewa Organization.
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