One-month Computer Training to Job-holder Blind and Visually Impaired Women

The computer training was conducted from 10-Sep to 10-OCT, 2020 for twenty-two blind and visually impaired women engaged in different professions across Nepal mostly teachers of government schools. The training was conducted targeting to visually impaired women who could not have chances to update their computer skills due to busy schedule in their profession. As it was the time of lockdown and the schools were closed, most of the participants who were teachers got chances of participating in the training managing time from profession related works and household chores. In the training, the participants got skills on Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Email-internet, Esewa and E-banking. The training has contributed in making the visually impaired women independent in performing their job related works and made them less dependent with their sighted colleagues in their profession. We believe in power to women and are hopeful that these skills of computer and technology will be further supportive in professional advancement of the participants. Sincere thanks to Tewa Dhapakhel for funding this initiative.
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