Tag: access to justice

Sharing the issues among the participants.(1)

Advocacy Interaction with Educational Stakeholders of Kailali District on Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities

Access Planet Organization in the support of Disability Rights Fund organized half day advocacy program with the education related stakeholders of Kailali district :: Dhangadhi Submetropolitan City and Godawari Municipality  on “Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities.” This interaction program was organized in Sunlight Hotel, Park Mode Dhangadhi  with the presence of 45 participants from across different sectors including municipal education chiefs, Women and Child Development Officer, parents, teachers, principles, female students with disabilities and representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs).
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Advocacy Interaction with Educational Stakeholders of Kailali District on Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities
Mr. Prashant Bist, Mayor of Nepalgunj Sub-metropolitan city sharing his commitments and works done till date by sub-metropolitan city.

Advocacy Interaction with Stakeholders of Banke District on Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities

Access Planet Organization in support of Disability Rights Fund organized half day advocacy program with the education related stakeholders of Banke district: Nepalgunj Sub metropolitan City and Khajura Rural Municipality on “Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities.” This interaction program was organized in Swasthik Cottage, Dhamboji Nepalgunj with the presence of 40 participants from across different sectors including Mayor, municipal education chiefs, parents, teachers, principals, female students with disabilities and representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs). The program aimed at handing over advocacy manifesto to the local stakeholders which was prepared by the organization compiling issues of the girls and young women with disabilities in education and the solution proposed.
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Advocacy Interaction with Stakeholders of Banke District on Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities
Representatives from Municipal education department, organization of person with disabilities, Teachers, Parents and students of Bhaktapur district.

Advocacy Interaction with Stakeholders of Bhaktapur District on Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities

Access Planet Organization in the support of Disability Rights Fund organized half day advocacy program with the stakeholders of Bhaktapur district on “Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities" aiming of at handing over advocacy manifesto to the local stakeholders which was prepared by the organization compiling issues of the girls and young women with disabilities in education and the solution proposed. Along with that it also aimed at sensitizing the stakeholders on the issues that girls and young women with disabilities faced in achieving quality education and access to technology.
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Advocacy Interaction with Stakeholders of Bhaktapur District on Issues and Way Forward for Enhancing Access to Education for Girls and Young Women with Disabilities
Group photo with the chief guest Hon. Judge Sapana Malla in the closing of 5 days capacity building training on Feminist Legal Theories and Practices supported by APWLD.

Capacity building training on Feminist Legal Theories and Practices.

“Feminist Legal Theories and Practices” on 9-13 November, 2021, aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of women and disability rights advocates, government officials and legal professionals on various aspects and theories of feminism, national and international laws and its feminist critical perspective and feminist strategies for achieving the rights and justice of girls and women with disabilities.
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Capacity building training on Feminist Legal Theories and Practices.
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