Orientation Program for Blind and Visually Impaired Women on InstaReader application.

Orientation Program for Blind and Visually Impaired Women on InstaReader application.
Blind and visually impaired persons in general and women in specific are facing various challenges on reading the documents as many of those available documents are not accessible to them. There is availability of the technology to make them accessible and readable to some extent but however, with the lack of knowledge of knowhow on operating to those applications, these women are found facing challenges in receiving education and performing employment related tasks.
Among many applications available, Instareader is one of the important applications which can convert physical book (printed or handwritten), PDF (including scanned PDF), Webpage, DOCX, EXCEL, PPT or TEXT to Audiobooks and it will read it out.
Hence, Access Planet Organization organized a short orientation program to familiarize blind and visually impaired women on Instareader on 25th February 2022 virtually. The orientation program had enthusiastic participation of 43 women with visual impairments. The orientation program was facilitated by Ms. Pratikchya Bhattarai, Training of Trainer (ToT) participant of Access Planet.
The topics discussed in the orientation program were:
- Installation of instaReader
- Briefing of the menus of the application
- Creating audio book from text, PDF, DOCX, Image.
- The Way of navigating across multiple pages.
- To control audio speed, pitch and change voices of audiobooks.
Access Planet would like to express sincere gratitude to Global Fund for Women for supporting technological capacity building of young women with disabilities in Nepal.
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