Tag: Women empowerment

Group picture with the participants after certificate distribution.

Training of Trainers (TOT) on Feminism, National and International Laws and Policies, and Human Rights Mechanism

Access Planet Organization in support of the Leading from the South (LFS)- Women’s Rights Fund (WFA) organized the Training of Trainers (TOT) on the topic- “Capacity building of frontline women with disabilities through training of trainers (TOT) on feminism, national and international laws and policies, and human rights mechanism.”
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Training of Trainers (TOT) on Feminism, National and International Laws and Policies, and Human Rights Mechanism
Group Photo with 18 participants and Access Planet Team

Leadership And Advocacy Training for Young Women with Disabilities (Bagmati Province)

Access Planet Organization organized three days “Leadership and advocacy training for the young women with disabilities of Bagmati Province from 7th April to 9th April 2023. This training majorly aimed to empower the young women with disabilities with the leadership and advocacy skills and also to sensitize them about their rights that will inbuilt their confidence providing resilience to fight for the rights and justice of women with disabilities.
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Leadership And Advocacy Training for Young Women with Disabilities (Bagmati Province)

Delegation Visit to Municipality Office of Nepalgunj Sub-metropolitan City, for policy review of “Municipal Education Act” from the perspective of girls and women with disabilities.

Access Planet organization organized a delegation visit program with the representatives of the Nepalgunj sub-metropolitan city with the proposed suggestion for the review of the Municipal Education Act of this sub-metropolitan city. This program was aimed to promote access to inclusive and quality education for girls and women with disabilities in accordance with national and international laws by revising the Education Act of Nepalgunj sub-metropolitan city.
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Delegation Visit to Municipality Office of Nepalgunj Sub-metropolitan City, for policy review of “Municipal Education Act” from the perspective of girls and women with disabilities.
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